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Muslims may regard Quranmemorization as a testament of faith, and the higher the level of memorization, the larger the psychological boost to their religion, which includes feelings of satisfaction, contentment, and optimism.

In Islam, the benefits of memorizing the Quran come in the form of divine bounties, but the activity can also improve IQ and brain health.

According to Dr. Haneen Jarrar, a child psychologist at Camali Clinic, memorizing a big amount of text at a young age improves a person's working memory and learning ability. The brain works similarly to a muscle in that the more it is used, the stronger it becomes.

In Islam, memorizing the Quran and reading it daily is a highly praised act. Memorization of the Quran is a procedure that improves a person's overall aptitude by developing many cognitive talents. Because the brain is the most basic and important organ for human development and skill acquisition, memorizing the Quran improves not just memorization but also knowledge retention, concentration span, consistency, working under pressure, and overcoming distractions. As a result, memorizing the Quran gives you the ability to quickly pick up other difficult skills and abilities.

1.    What the Quran itself Says:

According to studies, memorizing the Quran has psychological benefits. You will be a well-rounded, happy person, and it will benefit your memory, learning speed, and working memory.”

The Holy Quran has numerous advantages. It's a Book of Light, and heavenly light is a healing force. The Qur'an has around 89 verses that discuss the book's purpose, goals, virtues, and blessings. Some of these passages emphasize the Quran's ability to heal:

O mankind! Surely, there has come to you a (heart penetrating) counsel from your Master and a cure for all those (diseases) which are (hidden) in the chests. And it is guidance and mercy for those who believe” (Yūnus, 10:57)

Memorizing challenges the brain and trains it to recall information. In the first definitive study to show that honing intellectual skills can bolster the mind in the same way that physical exercise protects and strengthens the body, ten sessions of exercises to boost reasoning skills, memory, and mental processing speed staved off mental decline in middle-aged and elderly people.

2.    Results Shown in Studies and Research:

The Alzheimer's Association conducted research to see if there was a link between religiosity (memorizing the Quran) and good memory. The study's findings demonstrate that the Quran has an impact on memory strength in two ways: religiosity and spirituality, and mental stimulation. Those who memorized theQuran have stronger memories than those who did not, and their chances of developing memory difficulties and disorders are lower.

Muslim scholars have debated and evaluated the Quran's teachings for centuries. Similarly, several researchers have addressed the intellectual benefits of memorizing the Quran, particularly in the alternative world. They scientifically demonstrate how memorizing the Quran can improve an individual's cognitive and general abilities.

3.    General Conclusion

Memorization of the Quran is a technique that develops numerous cognitive skills and improves an individual's overall aptitude. Because the brain is the most basic and important organ for human development and skill acquisition, memorizing the Quran improves not just memorization but also knowledge retention, concentration span, consistency, and operating under pressure. As a result, memorizing the Quran gives you the ability to quickly pick up other difficult skills and abilities.

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